It was a “Wicked” weekend!!
If you can’t already tell, it was “Wicked” premiere weekend at our local theater and we were there for it! I’ve seen the stage production of it three times, and now the movie once, and we’re already planning to go again! If you don’t know about “Wicked’, it’s sort of the prequel to “The Wizard of Oz”. I can’t even describe how great it was – the singing…OMG!, the dancing, the acting, the colors, the scenery….everything about it was amazing!!! It is probably the best I’ve seen! We went to the 4: movie and when we came out of the movie, we saw a guy from church who was working security and he said all three screens of the 7:00 showing were sold out. I’m not surprised 😉
After the movie, I returned home and got ready for the next morning. I had a 10K trail run an hour away.
Saturday morning, I was up early, fed the cats, and drove an hour south to a state park for a nice 10K trail run. I just heard about this run last year and I am so glad I did. I love it! I felt good throughout the whole run and I believe I had a better time, pace-wise. So, that is a win for me! 🙂

After the run, and a burger to refuel, I headed to Sam’s to pick up a few things. The plan was for one item but I came out with way more. I know I’m not the only one LOL. With all items acquired, I headed home for the rest of the day. I worked on laundry and church work the rest of the day. After supper and Elementary, I read some before falling asleep.
Sunday morning was like most. I don’t want to sound like a broken record but it was all great. It always is:) I am blessed!
After church, we stopped at Wendy’s for lunch, and headed home to rest for a little while. Then, we headed back to the church for Friendsgiving! We had charcuterie boards and finger foods. I wish I had gotten pictures of all of the food, but this is all I thought to take pictures of. The entire bar was covered with food!

After enjoying the food and fellowship, we headed home to prepare for a short work week and Thanksgiving!!
Happy Monday & Happy Thanksgiving!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!