It’s the last Wednesday of the month so I’m linking up with Mel, Shaeffer, & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating This Week…| Monday: Taco Soup Tuesday: leftover Taco Soup Wednesday: eating out (Dinner Bell) Thursday: eating out (Bishop’s BBQ) Friday: probably just going to wing it ha!
|What I’m Reminiscing About…| Summer vacation to Bar Harbor, ME (post coming up in the near future)
|What I’m Loving…| La Croix Peach-Pear
|What I’ve Been Up To…| work, learning new software for church
|What I’m Dreading…| inventory
|What I’m Working On…| coordinating a 5K & a Christmas gifts campaign for local children whose parents are currently incarcerated
|What I’m Excited About…| Fall: cool, crisp air; pumpkin spice; sweater & hoodies; leaves changing colors,
|What I’m Watching/Reading…| Watching: The Pinkertons, Cranford, Jack Ryan Reading: The Chemist by Stephenie Meyers, The Magnolia Story by Chip & Joanna Gaines
|What I’m Listening To…| joy. by For King & Country
|What I’m Wearing…| Lularoe Carlys and Irmas
|What I’m Doing This Weekend…| if not still learning software, working on getting the deck stair rails installed…and possibly a wedding
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…| cooler weather, Halloween
|What Else is New…| it is inventory time at work😐
Yes to fall.