It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating|
grilled burgers, Keto sun-dried tomato basil tortillas, the best Surf & Turf ever! (not all of this at the same time HA!)

|What I’m Reminiscing About|
summers of my childhood. What I mean by that is, when school was out, and life was carefree (for me anyway. I’m sure my mom had to then deal with getting me to where I would be staying, until I was old enough to stay by myself). Would I want to go back to my childhood summers? Absolutely not! I would have to live life again, and some of it I would rather not…plus, I’d have to go through school again LOL
|What I’m Loving|
this backpack purse! (the strap is not what came on it but I love it even more!)

|What I’ve Been Up To|
running (had two 10Ks the first 2 weeks of the month), VBS prep

|What I’m Dreading|
it’s almost summer -> humidity and mosquitoes
|What I’m Working On|
VBS prep is in full swing!
|What I’m Excited About|
Currently, I’m not overly excited about anything but I am just happy with life 🙂
|What I’m Watching/Reading|



up next:

|What I’m Listening To|
unfortunately, at the moment, an annoying coworker (but I’m about to listen to music so it’ll be better)
|What I’m Wearing|
recently, flowers and feathers on Sundays

|What I’m Doing This Weekend|
Kayaking…hopefully. We have had to postpone twice due to the weather. Also, going bowling with church small group.
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month|
|What Else is New…|

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