It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!
|What I’m Eating This Week…|
No set plans (until routines are back to normal): leftovers from Memorial Day weekend grilling, soup (who cares if it is hot outside), takeout on Wednesdays
|What I’m Reminiscing About…|
Iceland! It’s getting hot here already so I try to think of some place that is not hot
|What I’m Loving…|
reading every night before bed
|What I’ve Been Up To…|
still working from home (SO THANKFUL!), running, slowly getting back into a routine
|What I’m Dreading…|
summer heat/humidity
|What I’m Working On…|
VBS, blog posts, staying active, building up the mileage in my runs
|What I’m Excited About…|
VBS, going to Austria (hopefully…please Lord)
|What I’m Watching/Reading…|
Riverdale, Season 3 (on Netflix); KILLING EVE!!!!
(finished) Becoming Mrs Lewis by Patti Callahan, The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny
(currently) The Fifth Avenue Story Society by Rachel Hauck
(up next) The Dry by Jane Harper
|What I’m Listening To…|
“Still Rolling Stones” by Lauren Daigle
“Amadea (Still My God)” by Ryan Stevenson
|What I’m Wearing…|
mostly PJs and workout/running clothes, but now church clothes on Sunday
|What I’m Doing This Weekend…|
Weather permitting, an 8+ mile hike!
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…|
preparing for VBS, hopefully starting a packing list for Austria
Our VBS was cancelled for this year but might happen a little differently. I'm really hoping it does because my kids LOVE it. And I hope you get to go to Austria. It's so beautiful.
I have seen where some churches are doing a VBS-type event at parks or outside the church so maybe that is an option. I do hope your kids get to participate in VBS.
Our VBS was cancelled for this year but might happen a little differently. I'm really hoping it does because my kids LOVE it. And I hope you get to go to Austria. It's so beautiful.
Austria! How exciting…I really hope that works out for you!!
I have seen where some churches are doing a VBS-type event at parks or outside the church so maybe that is an option. I do hope your kids get to participate in VBS.
Thank you!