It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating…|
Slow Cooker Chicken Caesar Salad (or Wrap). I adapted this from the Slow Cooker Chicken Caesar Sandwich recipe but in an effort to be healthier by not eating as many carbs (eh, bread), we first put it on top of lettuce and then the next time, we tried it with these egg white wraps. Y’ALL!! THEY ARE DELICIOUS!!

|What I’m Reminiscing About…|
Bar Harbor, ME. With this excessive heat (anything above 80-85, plus humidity, is excessive), I have been thinking back to 4 summers ago when it was barely in the lower 70s (and usually lower) in July in Maine. I want to live there now. I’m not cut out for this heat and humidity. On top of the perfect temperatures, it is a beautiful place!! (You can check out these posts here, here, and here.)
|What I’m Loving…|
these ear buds for running!

|What I’ve Been Up To…|
church work & cleaning and purging my room.
|What I’m Dreading…|
the rest of Summer. It’s hot, and humid. I don’t like it. oh, and mosquitoes.
|What I’m Working On…|
Vacation Bible School prep and my church Admin Asst duties. whew! That’s a lot when I look at it all typed out! I do love it though:)
|What I’m Excited About…|
Vacation Bible School next month…and Vegas in September!
|What I’m Watching/Reading…|



up next:

|What I’m Listening To…|
|What I’m Wearing…|
bought this shirt on my last trip to Universal Studios and wore it to the movies a few weekends ago to see….Jurassic World: Dominion

|What I’m Doing This Weekend…|
cleaning & decluttering my bedroom. It has been needing it for a LONG time and hopefully I can make it happen this weekend!
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…|
Vacation Bible School. It’s exhausting, but oh, so rewarding! I love seeing the excitement of the children (and adult volunteers too)!

|What Else is New…|
nothing…but just going to leave these adorable pictures here 🙂

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OH there is nothing like Maine in the summer!! I’m really hoping we get to go at leas for a long weekend this summer.
I’m ready to go back. I just haven’t figured out when lol