It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating…|
grilled, and sometimes fried, catfish. One of my favorite places to get catfish has not been able to get catfish because their supplier hasn’t been able to “harvest” due to the pandemic and then, lack of workers. Well, now it is back and I. am. so. glad!!
|What I’m Reminiscing About…|
past family summer vacations.

|What I’m Loving…|
my new Purple seat cushion. It’s the little things y’all!
|What I’ve Been Up To…|
Vacation Bible School. If you know, you know.
|What I’m Dreading…|
If the summer is going to continue to be as hot as it has been the last month, then I’m definitely dreading August!
|What I’m Working On…|
church duties, purging my closet & room
|What I’m Excited About…|
57 days until FALL!!!

|What I’m Watching/Reading…|



up next:
(started a while back but will finish it this time)

|What I’m Listening To…|
|What I’m Wearing…|
nothing exciting but I did get several short sleeve and long sleeve tops from Lands End and they are my new favorites!
|What I’m Doing This Weekend…|
see “What I’m Working On”….the room purging has been put off too long. It must happen this weekend!
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…|
one month closer to Fall!

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