It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!
|What I’m Eating…| Taco Soup yes, I know it’s hot but I still wanted soup tomato sandwich still these …and I will until the cucumbers are gone
|What I’m Reminiscing About…|
Bar Harbor, ME…again. I’ve got a craving for Blueberry Soda, to the point that I’m
considering having a 12-pk shipped to my house
|What I’m Loving…|
|What I’ve Been Up To…|
see above
also, VBS
|What I’m Dreading…| this week’s temperatures: I know I live in the south and “that’s just how it is” but I still don’t like it LOL
|What I’m Working On…| ordering medals and printing sponsorship packets for this year’s 5K
|What I’m Excited About…| it is now 56 days until Fall
|What I’m Watching/Reading…| watching:
reading: finished:
up next:
|What I’m Listening To…|
|What I’m Wearing…| nothing exciting but I did buy some new workout/running shirts so I am wearing those
|What I’m Doing This Weekend…| long run in preparation for a 14.2 miler. Also, laundry there’s always laundry
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…| it’s one month closer to Fall and pumpkins and pumpkin spice latte and hoodies and…you get the picture;)
|What Else is New…| nothing that I can think of!
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