It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating|
snow cream

shell-less taco salad

New York Crunch roll

Tzatziki with Naan crisps

|What I’m Reminiscing About|
All of the memories I had with my grandmother. Tomorrow would have been her 86th birthday.
|What I’m Loving|
Being cozy in the house. I do like winter, but I think it is mostly because I can wear the coziest clothes 🙂 …and it isn’t hot HAHA
|What I’ve Been Up To|
Planning my vacations, figuring out when to take PTO at work, working on church stuff, planning out blog posts and other things, etc.
|What I’m Dreading|
Nothing at the moment. It’s not yet time for humidity and mosquitoes LOL
|What I’m Working On|
Organizing my blog post idea notebook, getting international travel details (plane tickets, etc.)
|What I’m Excited About|
We are SO close to being back in our expanded/updated sanctuary at church!
|What I’m Watching/Reading|

out March 18

out April 1

up next:

|What I’m Listening To|

|What I’m Wearing|
I love these shirts from Land’s End! I have it in two colors, and now I see they have a new color I want. They are so comfy and cozy, as all winter clothes should be, but still look nice for work, church, or anywhere.

|What I’m Doing This Weekend|
running and cleaning/organizing.
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month|
HOPEFULLY getting to move into our newly expanded and renovated church sanctuary. Also, hopefully, getting our international vacation booked!
|Favorite Recent Purchases|
this, for the cats:)

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