It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!
|What I’m Eating…| the only thing I know for sure is that I’m eating out on the way to church Wednesday evening. The rest of the time? I’m just winging it! |What I’m Reminiscing About…|
the time we spent Christmas in the mountains. We skied then, and I’m wanting
to ski now so it made me think about that time in the mountains:)
I have pictures but can’t remember where they are
|What I’m Loving…|
still…these boots! I’ll make any excuse to wear them:)
|What I’ve Been Up To…|
work, church, running…the usual:)
|What I’m Dreading…| Summer heat and humidity in the South…and mosquitoes |What I’m Working On…| Disney packing list, forms for church data, scheduling races (for myself) this year
|What I’m Excited About…| Disney vacation:)|What I’m Watching/Reading…| watching:
reading: finished:
up next: 
|What I’m Listening To…|
|What I’m Wearing…| sweaters and hoodies! We finally have cold enough weather!|What I’m Doing This Weekend…| running, church work, watching “As We See It”, reading |What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…| it’s one month closer to Disney. I don’t have anything big planned for February so that’s all I’ve got
I'm belatedly catching up on my What's Up Wednesday posts. I'd be excited about a Disney vacation too!!!