It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!
|What I’m Eating This Week…| Shay’s Chipotle Turkey Chili LOVE IT! It has just enough heat (from the chipotle peppers) but not too much. So delicious and tasty!
|What I’m Reminiscing About…| still Iceland. I am almost finished with all planned posts. As I’m working on each one, I get to relive the trip over and over. I have one more planned but you can check out the others below: Part 1 (days 0-2) Part 2 (days 3-5) Part 3 (days 6-8) Part 4 (days 9-11) ICELAND: How to Pack for 10 Days in September
|What I’m Loving…| reading!! I have really gotten into reading lately and I’m loving it! I only read 6 books in all of 2019 and I’m already 2.5 books into 2020 and it’s only the end of January. I have 2 more running books to finish (unless I find more) and several others lined up for Modern Mrs. Darcy’s 2020 Reading Challenge.
|What I’ve Been Up To…| running, gym, church duties, work….same routine lol
|What I’m Dreading…| nothing!
|What I’m Working On…| Kingdom Run 2020, packing lists for TX and Austria
|What I’m Excited About…| my next vacation to….Austria!!
|What I’m Watching/Reading…| watching: “Rick Steves’ Europe”…because…I ❤ traveling!
reading: Run the Mile You’re In by Ryan Hall
|What I’m Listening To…| “Holy Water” by We the Kingdom
|What I’m Wearing…| wool, cashmere, and alpaca…because it finally got cold enough for it!
|What I’m Doing This Weekend…| Mugs & Muffins. It is a church ladies’ get-together where those who want to participate bring mugs. It is like Dirty Santa, but with mugs. We have done this once before, last year. I loved it and I’m looking forward to see what mug i can end up with this time! The “muffins” part is for eating😄
the mug I got last year |
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…| headed to TX for a church conference
|What Else is New…| did I mention that I am going to Austria?! via GIPHY
Oooh! Both Iceland and Austria sound like amazing trips.
Iceland was more than amazing! I would definitely recommend that anyone that can, go visit!