It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating|
Pork sliders with onion straws, Mexican food (new local restaurant), Starbucks egg bites, Sausage dip, Rotel cheese dip, strawberry shortcake

|What I’m Reminiscing About|
Alaska in December 2020.

|What I’m Loving|
nice comfy, cozy PJs (and hoodies). I love this time of year!
|What I’ve Been Up To|
enjoying family, getting church administrative work ready for the new year, cleaning and organizing
|What I’m Dreading|
Is it too soon to say the summer humidity and mosquitoes? HA! Probably so! – in that case, I’m dreading nothing!
|What I’m Working On|
all the church things LOL. A leadership change is about to take place (it’s a good but bittersweet thing) and a new year so there is a lot to do…but I’m here for it all!
|What I’m Excited About|
a new year! A fresh start!
|What I’m Watching/Reading|



up next:

|What I’m Listening To|
the fan in my room and a sleeping cat 🙂

|What I’m Wearing|
Lots of festive PJs. Between Thanksgiving, work-from-home days, and Christmas and New Years, I’ve been at home quite a bit (and I loved it!)

|What I’m Doing This Weekend|
running, getting ready for the New Year, and going to church on Sunday
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month|
New start, new plans, new year!
|Favorite Recent Amazon Purchase|
I’ve wanted one for a while so I finally did it!

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