It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time for linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating…|
all the wrong, but tasty foods! It was Christmas potluck finger foods at work before we left for Christmas, and then for Christmas (and what’s left through New Years), it was/is taco soup, sausage dip, & tuna ball.

|What I’m Reminiscing About…|
Bar Harbor, ME. I am beyond ready to go back!

|What I’m Loving…|

|What I’ve Been Up To…|
enjoying drinking coffee and reading; enjoying the snow (I don’t remember ever having snow anywhere close to Christmas in MS so I enjoyed it)

|What I’m Dreading…|
nothing. There’s no mosquitoes or humidity to worry about, plus everything else is great, so I’m good!
|What I’m Working On…|
OMG, what am I not working on?! 2023 Church calendar, vacation planning, work planning, running/workout plans, life planning HA!

|What I’m Excited About…|
a new year. I like the new year because, for one, by the time I reach the end of the year, it seems like I am beyond exhausted. But somehow, when the new year starts, it’s like I am refreshed.

|What I’m Watching/Reading…|

You can review my thoughts on both here.


up next:

|What I’m Listening To…|

|What I’m Wearing…|
winter clothes! We actually had really cold temperatures last week! I loved it!
|What I’m Doing This Weekend…|
Ringing in 2023!
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…|
A new year!
|What Else is New…|

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