It’s the last Wednesday of the month so I’m linking up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!
|What I’m Eating This Week…| This week has no plan. It will be whatever can be microwaved or cooks very quickly. This past weekend was VERY BUSY so I am still tired
|What I’m Reminiscing About…| my grandpa😢 This past January marked two years since he passed away. A few weeks ago, I smelled something that reminded me of him and I lost it. I didn’t get to see him a lot and wasn’t as close to him as I should have been (we lived 3-4 states apart) but I think I miss him even more now that he is gone.
|What I’m Loving…| I may be late to the game but these are DELICIOUS! Not too sweet but very tasty! 
|What I’ve Been Up To…| vacation, work, Grand Jury duty (all week), work, gym, funeral & visitation (church family, but thankfully not family family), Easter egg hunt, mani/pedi appointment, benefit for a friend fighting leukemia, Easter program at church…and a trail run this weekend!
|What I’m Dreading…| mosquitoes and humidity |What I’m Working On…| blog posts, church work, VBS registration, swapping out winter/summer clothes |What I’m Excited About…| this weekend’s trail run!
|What I’m Watching/Reading…| Killing Eve (watching) 
“Already Gone” by Ken Hamm & Britt Beemer (reading)
|What I’m Listening To…| as many covers of “Sound of Silence” as I can find…check this one out!
|What I’m Wearing…| OPI I’ll Have a Gin & Tectonic 
|What I’m Doing This Weekend…| a trail run 5K, a friend’s lingerie shower |What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…| Mother’s day, Memorial Day, and a less busy month hopefully |What Else is New…| via GIPHY