It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating|
Easter treats, homemade dessert from the local BBQ place I don’t eat like this all the time. These were treats, and apparently, the only food I took a picture of HA! Not pictured: sandwiches and hummus (not on the sandwich LOL)

not what, but where? The porch! The weather is nice now, and I love sitting on the porch and eating my lunch.

|What I’m Reminiscing About|
summer family vacations to Folly Beach, SC; Bar Harbor, ME; and Hawaii with friends Apparently I need to be at the beach
|What I’m Loving|
Spring weather, blue skies, flowers, and mulched beds

|What I’ve Been Up To|
a local 5K, a local trail 10K-ish, church events/meetings, planting flowers
|What I’m Dreading|
Southern summer humidity

|What I’m Working On|
lots of church stuff – projects, lists, etc.
|What I’m Excited About|
Memorial Day in May, Vacation Bible School in June
|What I’m Watching/Reading|

I received an advanced copy of “Cabin” to review. This book will be available on 12/3/24.


up next:

|What I’m Listening To|
mostly, Disney Hits on SiriusXM, but also a running playlist when running/working out
|What I’m Wearing|
short sleeves 🙂
|What I’m Doing This Weekend|
Recovery Revival/Recovery Conference
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month|
two local 10Ks, a Family Fun Day (church), Memorial Day

|Favorite Recent Amazon Purchase|
my sister saw one of these at a friend’s house and thought it was cool. She doesn’t know it but she has one on the way to her now 🙂

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We live on our porches here, except in April…pollen is crazy in our part of the country in spring and we actually cover our porch furniture and roll up the outdoor rugs to help make clean up easier. But soon and I can’t wait! Have a great day!