It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday!

|What I’m Eating|
Southern cooking from a local restaurant. It is just one of the great joys of working from home. …and the food is delicious!! Their food is high quality. I don’t know how they manage to get that quality and not charge a lot, but they do. To be honest, their hamburger steak is better than the ground sirloin at our local steakhouse.

Also, still food from a local Mexican restaurant (not the newest but the second newest). It is the best one 🙂

|What I’m Reminiscing About|
family summer trips to Folly Beach when I was younger.
|What I’m Loving|
Spring weather…before the humidity and bugs.

|What I’ve Been Up To|
not too much, aside from my usual routines (church, running, work)….but that is already changing. I will be busy for a while.
|What I’m Dreading|
see above LOL. The humidity and mosquitoes that go along with Southern summers.
|What I’m Working On|
this fall’s Kingdom Run, getting church things organized (admin side – paperwork, etc.)
|What I’m Excited About|
the days ahead where the weather will be just right for eating my lunch on the porch or deck.

|What I’m Watching/Reading|



up next:

|What I’m Listening To|
Smooth Jazz Instrumentals Radio on Pandora at the moment. Most of the time, especially in my vehicle, Disney Hits on Sirius XM.
|What I’m Wearing|
both long sleeves and short sleeves. It’s that time of the year where one day is cold and the next is warm.
|What I’m Doing This Weekend|
probably running on Good Friday (I’m also off work), Community Egg Hunt on Saturday, and Easter Sunday at church.
|What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month|
Being busy, apparently. I have something every single Saturday in April. Seriously though, they are all good things so I’m fine with it 🙂
|Favorite Recent Amazon Purchase|
this travel size contour pillow. I have a regular contour pillow that I use every night, and most of the time, I will take it when traveling. But this last time I flew to Orlando, we were only flyinng with carry-ons and the regular pillow would have taken too much room. So, when I found this one, I jumped on it. I am happy to report that it works great and does roll up and pack easily.

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