I’m back with a yearly tradition from Anne, with Modern Miss Darcy. She was talking about February 2 being the middle of winter and how this is not always the easiest time, or season, for many people. She shared 10 things that are saving her life right now. While winter doesn’t bother me, it did get me thinking about the things that make me the happiest right now.

1. Reading.
It’s the escape to another place. It’s the time to myself. It’s just cozy, especially if there’s also coffee and a cat (or cats). I’m happy when I’m reading, and if I’m not, then it’s time to put that book down and move on to one that does make me happy 🙂
2. Jesus & church.
One of the main reasons I am happy is because I have a relationship with Jesus. I know that He has everything under control. I’m not one to usually be down, but when I am, all I have to do is remind myself who has it all in His hands, and I eventually start feeling better. Going to church – even though I am always busy with administrator duties – I do feel better when I can go to church. It’s where I can worship Jesus with like-minded people. (It’s not about the social thing; I’m an introvert.) It’s being with those who are praising and worshipping the same God.
“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” – Matthew 18:20 IYKYK 😉

3. Blue, Lucy, & Luna.
Their sweet purrs. Their little personalities. Watching them run and play, and even sleep, just makes me smile. If you have a pet (or pets), you know what I mean 😉

4. Running.
We all know running isn’t easy. I guess that’s what makes it a good stress reliever. Have a bad day? week? Go for a run and if you’re just trying to stay upright and not pass out, then you don’t have time to think about the bad, only the running. Want to pound someone? We wouldn’t do that though. We’re nice folks 😉 Pound out some miles on the pavement (or treadmill). Running is a stress reliever AND keeps the body healthy. What more could you ask for?

5. Being outside.
I don’t know if it is the fresh air or the daylight or what, but I always feel better when I go outside. EVen if it is cold outside, if I can just bundle up, and get outside, I instantly feel better. There are times when I can’t get outside, but just having the shades up, where the daylight/sun shines in helps boost my mood.

6. Working out at the gym.
I feel like this is the same as running but I know some can’t run but can work out. When I’m busy concentrating on the correct form and counting reps, I don’t have time to think about other things. If I do, then I’m not working hard enough HA!

7. Family.
I know that in some cases, families can cause more stress than happiness. But thankfully, mine does not. They make me happy (which hasn’t always been the case but that’s another topic for another time). All is going great, everyone is well, and we all get along, so that makes me happy. To break it down even further, my mom is truly my best friend, and being around her makes me happy.

8. Friends.
As I type this, I’m just 15 days away from flying out to Disney with my friends. Have friends that you love to hang out with. Find friends that don’t bring you down. Make sure they lift you up (and be sure to lift them up as well). I am blessed with the best!

9. Planning, and going on a vacation.
Stress, family, and life got you down? Doesn’t planning something fun make you happy? It does me! …and when it (life) all seems too much, there’s that fun trip to look forward to 🙂

10. Planning, in my planner.
I realize this will get eyerolls from some, but I love planning in my planner! I am almost always busy with something (running, church, work, home, gym, sometimes traveling) so having a planner is important. But what makes me happier than just having it all written down is making it pretty. I use colored pens that coordinate with the monthly color and then use stickers to add even more. Sometimes it’s a little, sometimes it’s a lot (uh, Christmastime!). I think it is the added colors that make me happy. I will admit, there have been times that I’ve looked at my planner and then caught myself smiling HA!

We have a grey cat similar to yours. She is such a diva though. Love all your things that are saving your life!