This week’s topic is things getting in the way of reading. Some things cannot be helped, but others…I could do better LOL.

1. Life
This one word could sum up the entire post. Life happens. It doesn’t always go as we plan.
2. Running
Instead of running on Saturday mornings, I could be reading. But I like it so I continue to run.
3. Blue, Lucy, Luna
Loving on and playing with the fur babies takes up time before bed. I’m not upset about it 🙂
4. Watching TV
Now, this is almost always done when I’m eating. But, sometimes, I might be binging a show when I could be reading.
5. Facebook/Instagram/TikTok
Way more than I should, I get sucked down the rabbit hole :/
6. Church work
Sometimes, during the week, I need to get things completed for church, so if I can’t get it done at “work” work, I have to do it at night, which is usually my reading time.
7. Playing games on my phone
In most cases, reading is more fun, but somehow, I can get sucked into the games.
8. Blogging
Yep, sometimes I need to finish a post before the next morning.
9. Family time
I mean, I’m not upset about this. It’s not a problem. I’m thankful to have a family to have family time with 🙂
10. Sleep
Sometimes all the time, I need sleep so when one or more of the things above collide with lack of sleep, I give up reading time to get sleep.
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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Sleep and blogging definitely cut into a lot of my reading time. I listen to audiobooks whilst I run though, so I’ve managed to make running both exercise and reading time, best of both worlds!
I’m not really into audiobooks (I’m not even sure why) but maybe listening to audiobooks while running will help!
Life can be unpredictable for sure.
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.