This week’s topic is things that make me instantly want to read a book. I’m a visual person and the things listed below will prove that (see #1 & #2) HA!

1. Cover color
I like bright colors mostly, but I am definitely more drawn to yellow, pink, and teal/turquoise. So, if it is one of those colors, it will probably read it.

2. Cover artwork/picture
Even if it is a simple picture, and it looks appealing, I will want to read it.

3. The subject/genre
I tend to read more light and fun romances, whodunnits, books about running, cats, and travel, and more recently, historical fiction, so if it fits one of those categories, I will pick it up (or check it out).

4. Reviews
If I continually see good reviews on a book, even if it doesn’t fit these other “criteria” listed, I may still read it (or at least start it).
5. Recommendations by close friends and family members
I can usually trust my friends and family 🙂
6. Location
If it sounds like a fun location, is a place I want to visit, or somewhere I’ve been, count me in!

7. Travel
I like to travel (see #6).
8. By an author I already love
If an author has recently books that I already love, then their other books must be good too.
9. The title
If an author can capture my interest in just a few words, I’m certain to (probably) like the book.
10. Winter & Christmas
This goes without saying, I love Christmas and winter, so if a book has a winter setting, and storyline in winter and/or about Christmas, it will be read 🙂

*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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I like to read winter books during the winter! Do you?
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
Oh I totally forgot about books set during Christmas time! I love those as well!
Aren’t they the best?! 🙂