I was busy this weekend but didn’t get but one picture. Here’s how it went:
Friday Night
Two ladies from church, a young lady from church (she’s the daughter of one of the ladies), and I did our annual shopping for local children who may not, or definitely won’t, have much, if anything, for Christmas. This is a church ministry that was started to help children in our church and community have Christmas. We always send some to the local school and then have some at church. We find out the children’s clothes sizes, and interests, and then shop for them. In the six years we’ve been doing this, there has always been a great response, and thankfully, so many monetary donations.

Saturday morning, we had a full dress rehearsal for our children’s Christmas program. I do not have a picture of this. It was hectic HA! I am so proud of these kids though! We have worked on this since September and they did great! After rehearsal, I came home, got a shower, and got ready to head out with friends to eat for one of their birthdays. We had a reservation at 6 but went early to get in a little shopping beforehand. At 6, we met 7 others at Carrabba’s. It was great to eat and talk with all of them.
This was Christmas program day! As usual, I was up at 6am, got ready for church, and was headed out the door by 7:35. I did have to make a stop to pick up balloons for the pastor’s birthday celebration. I got to church around 8, and was busy until Sunday School started at 10. (who am I kidding? I’m busy until church is over!) This was also Sunday School Christmas party day so the kids had parties in their classrooms and then those that have been to church on Wednesday nights since we started in September, went to “The Clubhouse” to get their costumes on. (“The Clubhouse” is our big Wednesday night classroom). Our three and four-year-olds sang “Happy Birthday Jesus”, some of our teenage girls signed to a Christmas medley, and then it was Christmas play time. Again, the kids did so good!! As with most kids programs, there are always some mishaps or mess-ups but that just makes it even cuter 🙂 once the kids left the stage to return their costumes, the Praise Team came up and sang two songs. Then Pastor preached a short Christmas message. When church was over, we celebrated his birthday with a card and gift table set up and cupcakes and cookies for people to get as they left. His wife and daughter did have one of the ladies at church make a banana pudding for him since it is his favorite. Once everyone left, a few of us had to stay for a calendar meeting for 2023. That lasted about an hour and then I went home, where I did nothing productive but rest! (oh, wait. I did throw in some loads of laundry but that didn’t take much effort).
As you can see, the weekend was busy but I only have one picture to prove it LOL. You’ll just have to take my word for it 😉

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

What a fun and festive weekend! 🙂