I have wanted to do weekend update posts but just couldn’t seem to figure out exactly how I wanted to do it…so I’m trying something new. If I don’t like it, I’ll change it. So, here’s my first, and hopefully not my last, weekend update!
I was off because it is the day after Thanksgiving. When I worked in retail, I didn’t get these days off so I really enjoy the extra day. No, I did not go Black Friday shopping. I tried it a few times and I’m not a fan:/ so, I slept until I woke up. No alarm 🙂 It was just a low key Friday morning, complete with coffee and an actual home-cooked breakfast. My mom and I started watching “Miracle on 34th Street” (the original black and white version) while we ate breakfast. When we finished breakfast, we went outside to clean my sister’s vehicle (it will be in our driveway for a little while and we want it to be clean when she gets back home) and it was about a 3 hour job. While we were outside vacuuming hers, I decided to go ahead and get mine vacuumed out as well. I’m sure it will drive better now that it has been vacuumed HA! Already worn out, we then went across the road to my grandmother’s house to put the sheets back on her bed (she’s almost 84 – she can take care of herself but we all know putting sheets back on the bed isn’t easy). With all the hard work finished, it was time for a shower and supper 🙂 We finished “Miracle on 34th Street while we ate supper. By then, it was dark outside so I went outside to put the Christmas wreath on the front door, change out the doormat for Christmas and set out the LED lights (the ones that project onto the house)….and with that, Christmas decorations are complete 🙂

well…the plan was to get up and run 6 miles, but at 4:00am, my stomach woke me up hurting :/ so I took medicine and went back to sleep. It wasn’t 100% most of the day but it was definitely better than at 4:00am. After sleeping another 4 hours, I got up (feeling better), stripped the bed, and changed the sheets (it’s an every-two-weeks routine). Then it was pretty low-key the rest of the day. Coffee and breakfast, watched “Lost City”, laundry, church work, lunch, laundry, blog work, still laundry, and cleaning & organizing my room (it’s an ongoing process…I’ve been too busy HA!).
Sunday started like most Sundays – Sunday School and church…but, a few friends and I left before it was over because we had tickets to see “How the Grinch Stole Christmas: The Musical”! We ate at Hard Rock before and then walked to the historic theater. It was a long day but a fun day!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

We LOVED the Grinch musical- so magical for the littles!
The musical sounds like so much fun; so glad whatever was bothering your stomach came and went pretty quickly.
The laundry seriously never ends! And now I want to clean out our car.
I do think my vehicle drives better since it is clean inside HA!