It was a good yet productive weekend.
Friday/Friday evening, I was working on laundry, making and eating Northern Bean & spinach soup, and relaxing.

Saturday morning, I got up and ran 2.5 miles. Other than the previous Saturday when I ran a race I had signed up for, this was the first run I had done in a while, thanks to almost two weeks in London & Scotland. It wasn’t too bad. I was just glad to be back outside running.
Once I got back from running, I started the rest of the laundry, and made a cup of coffee.

We ate breakfast and watched some Good Ship Murder, and then we went outside to get some things done at my grandmother’s (or what was hers) house. We took down old telephone wires from the side of the house and out from under the eaves. We cut down some bushes that were too big, and too close to the house.

With that work done, we came back inside for showers, church work, and relaxing for the rest of the night.
This Sunday, we did not have any special classes. But like always, Sunday School, worship, and the Word were phenomenal! After church, my mom and I went to a local restaurant for some southern cooking, then headed home to relax, and prepare for the coming week!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!