It was a busy, yet good weekend. The descriptions for each day are short but the weekend was still fairly busy nonetheless.
Not a lot on Friday other than finishing laundry, relaxing, and then reading before bed.

This picture has nothing to do with the activities other than to show what I was dealing with while trying to use the bathroom in the middle of the night HAHA

Saturday morning I had a meeting at 7 so I was up early, as if I was going running. After getting dressed, we headed out and stopped at Starbucks. This meeting is a church leadership meeting that we try to have every quarter but this was the first one we’ve had in a while, but it was time because we have our busiest times coming up. The meeting was productive, and my to-do for the day kept getting longer as I took notes.
With the meeting over, we headed back home to get work done. I fixed myself a cup of coffee and went straight to work. I am happy to say that I get it ALL done, and still had time to finish laundry, shower, and watch some TV while eating supper, and then got things together for Sunday, before getting in the bed and reading some.
Sunday was pretty much the same as most – Starbucks, great Sunday School, and awesome worship and Word. But this Sunday, after church, we had our annual Back to School Water Day for our children. We had a water slide, kiddie pools for the littles, hot dogs, and good ole fun and fellowship.

It was an exhausting day, but it was fun. More exhausting than I realized, apparently, because I was yawning, over and over, all the way home. I did feel more energized after my shower but I did enjoy going to bed that night.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!