It was a busy but good weekend. It was quite productive (at least some of it was) thanks to a steroid shot HA!
Friday was much the same, except I had a doctor’s appointment at 8:15. Thankfully no strep or c***d! Just a sinus infection and I got a sinus “cocktail shot”. I had to get it knocked out before vacation! Taking time for the appointment meant I finished out my work day later than usual, but I was fine with that. I was able to work on some laundry and do a few more things around the house. After a shower, supper, and Murdoch Mysteries, it was time for bed. But, thanks to the decadron in the shot, I was not sleepy at all, so I got my laptop and got to work. If I can’t sleep, I might as well get things done! I did get a lot finished. I got some blog posts typed and some reminder texts scheduled (for church) to send the next day.

I finally started feeling like I could sleep, so at 1 am, I laid down and went to sleep.
I was up at 6:30 to feed the cats and get ready to head to the church for our Ladies’ Day Out. I think this was our 4th annual. Of course, I stopped at Starbucks on the way, but only for coffee this time. We were having breakfast at 9 am with the Ladies. We got there around 8, finished final prep, and then the Ladies started arriving. We had a wonderful time of fellowship…

…followed by some awesome worship and a great word from our guest speaker.

Right before it was over, I was starting to get tired (remember I didn’t sleep much, thanks to the shot) so I was ready for a nap! I ate a bite for lunch and then took a short nap. Once I woke up, I got a few things done, took a shower, ate supper, watched some TV, and went to bed. …and I slept good!
Like most Sundays, I was up at 6 am, fed the cats, got dressed for church, and headed to Starbucks for coffee and egg bites. I ate that as soon as I got to the church, and then went upstairs to get the classes set up for our Next Step classes. I had it all set up and ready to go, with plenty of time to spare (that usually doesn’t happen…and I don’t know why). Classes were great, Sunday School was great, worship was awesome, and the Word was wonderful, as always.
After church, I went to the almost monthly “Lunch with the Pastors” and then was home around 3. The rest of the afternoon and night was spent relaxing and preparing for the week!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Such a fun and relaxing weekend!