It was a pretty good extended weekend. It was the fourth of July!
It was my mom’s birthday, and also the 4th of July! We didn’t have anything special planned. My sister was in so my mom had everything she wanted 🙂
My day started around 7 when the cats decided I needed to get up to feed them LOL. I fed them, made myself a cup of coffee, and sat in my favorite coffee spot and read, first Bible Recap, and then Lost in a Book.

We did work on cleaning up and cleaning out my grandmother’s house. Some things made us sad because we remembered her using them – some were in the past, and some she had used recently – and then there were things that we didn’t know or had forgotten that she had LOL. She had gotten this wig from my great aunt, just in case she ever needed it. She did not thankfully. I found it while cleaning. The visor was just an added touch 😉

After cleaning most of the day, we came back across the street to get showers, eat supper, and relax for the night. My mom had assembled a chicken pot pie earlier in the day (yes, on HER birthday) so she popped it in the oven and that’s what we ate for supper. IT. WAS. DELICIOUS!

After supper, we went our separate ways (ok, into separate rooms of the house LOL). Once I heard fireworks start up, I went outside to see if I could see any. I couldn’t see them very well because of the trees but here is photographic proof that I saw something HA

Friday I worked (from home) so I wasn’t able to help in my grandmother’s house much but my mom and sister did get some work done. I did go out and pick us up some lunch and made a stop for some home-grown tomatoes and cucumbers. Like most Fridays, I did get quite a bit of laundry done. Then it was time for showers, supper, and TV, followed by blogging and reading.

I had set my alarm for 5 am to get up and run, but at 5 am, the humidity was 98%. After getting sick two years ago following a morning run (it was in the 70s but with high humidity), I am cautious about running when the humidity is high. So, I went back to sleep. I woke up later and the humidity was still high, so I decided I shouldn’t. (Unfortunately for me, the humidity did go down and it was quite pleasant outside, but it was after I had already eaten breakfast and started my day). I did get to enjoy my coffee with Bible Recap and Lost in a Book, and Blue in my lap.

I continued with laundry and worked most of the day on that, and church work. By afternoon, I was finished and it was time for showers, supper, and TV.

I worked on a bit of blogging and did some reading before falling asleep.

Sunday morning was a normal Sunday morning – Starbucks, Sunday School, Praise and Worship, and the Word. We had a visiting preacher and he was AWESOME! The Holy Spirit moved and at the end of the morning service, it was decided that we would continue with a night revival service.
After church, my mom and I had decided (before night service was planned) to go to eat lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. We still did that, and two of our friends joined us. After lunch, we all went home to relax, and then were back at church again at 5:30. That service was equally as awesome!
After church, we headed home and got ready to start the week!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!