It was a pretty relaxing weekend.
I would say nothing exciting for Friday but being at home is exciting for me LOL. I did laundry, relaxed, and enjoyed being at home with my mom and cats.
The forecast showed rain as soon as I woke up, so I thought I would not run. I fell back asleep and was up 30 minutes later, and low and behold, there was no rain then. So, I headed out for a 2.5-mile run.
After cooling off, it was time for my Saturday morning coffee and reading.

We ate breakfast and watched Murdoch Mysteries. This was followed by church work, more relaxing…

…more church work, finishing laundry, showers, supper, and then blogging and reading before going to sleep.
Sunday was busier than I really planned, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way! It started like usual – Starbucks on the way to church – and then we had Sunday School, followed by a great time of worship and an wonderful word from our Bishop. After service, we had two of our children that wanted to be baptized so we did that outside (our baptistry is currently not working because we are in the middle of construction/expansion).
Then, a couple of guys wanted to be baptized in the local waterway so several of us went there for their baptisms. While there, a couple of friends were talking about going to eat together at a local home-cooking buffet restaurant and they asked my mom and I if we wanted to go. So, we joined them. It ended up being a bigger group than just the 7 of us, but it was fun!
I had planned to go watch Twisters with some friends so once we got home from eating lunch, I had about 30-45 minutes to change out of church clothes and into casual clothes. I headed out to the movie and joined up with them. It was a great movie!! It started out fast and didn’t slow down much HA! After the movie, my friend and her two kids went home, but the other two friends and I stopped and ate supper before heading home.

Back at home, it was time to relax and prepare for the work week!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!