It was a pretty good weekend.
Much of the same for Fridays – laundry and relaxing. I did take time to water the plants. It has been quite a while since it rained.

After supper and TV, it was still daylight and the humidity was low, so we took advantage of that and sat on the porch. It was nice!

Once it was dark, it was time for reading, and then bedtime!

I was up early and got in a 6-mile run. It was drizzling off and on, which made the humidity high. But, I survived and felt like I had accomplished something, all before 8 am HA!

Back inside and cooled off, I was ready for coffee and Bible Recap.

Caffeine activated and reading finished, it was time for breakfast. After that, I got some church work done and continued working on laundry. We had a youth revival service that night so we took showers early and started getting ready for church.
The service was great. The speaker was phenomenal and lives were changed.
We were home around 9-9:30 and went straight to bed.
Sunday morning was much the same as most – up early, dressed, stopped at Starbucks, and headed to church. Sunday School was great – we celebrated National Ice Cream Day toward the end. Worship was phenomenal and the word was amazing! We were still in Youth Revival so we had a visiting speaker again. He was great! He was funny, but was able to get his points across so that EVERYONE got it.
After church, we went to Cracker Barrel and then headed home to relax and prepare for the coming week.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!