It was a pretty good weekend.
Friday was a pretty busy day for me. I worked from home… (clearly not everyone was working HA) *photo proof below
…had a church delivery (that’s 12 boxes, 288 total mugs) which was then loaded into my vehicle…

…and then I met a friend and her son at the Slugburger Festival 🙂

I was home by 9 and was ready for bed. Blue was too 😉

I was up at 5:30, fed the cats, changed into running clothes, and headed out the door. Downtown was already alive with activity by 6:30. In addition to the festival that was still set up, we also had our Green Market and Cruise-In this past weekend. This was part of my view while running.

After I cooled off, I made coffee and sat down to read.

The rest of Saturday consisted of church work, watering plants, laundry, more church work, spraying the yard (to get rid of mosquitoes), and more church work.
Then it was time for showers, supper, and a little bit more church work, before bed time (and some blogging and reading).
I feel like I got a lot accomplished on Saturday 🙂
This past Sunday was our Next Step Sunday so after a stop at Starbucks, I got to the church, unloaded all 12 boxes of mugs (with help), and got the booklets together for the Next Step classes. Sunday School was great, and praise, worship, and the Word were absolutely PHENOMENAL!! Life changing!
After church, I went to the almost monthly “Lunch with the Pastors” and then was home around 3. The rest of the afternoon and night was spent relaxing and preparing for the week!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Sounds like a very productive weekend! Love how you squeezed in some running too 🙂
I do what I have to, to (try to) beat the heat! I need the run so I lose sleep to get it done LOL