It was a pretty good weekend. It was actually a very relaxing weekend, and I needed it!
short story: laundry, checking on and watering my clematis…

…eating supper and watching TV, relaxing, blogging, and watching I Am: Celine Dion.

Saturday morning, I woke up early to see if I would be able to run. I had looked at the weather the night before and the humidity was supposed to be 98% and I wasn’t going to run if it was still that when I woke up (I got sick from running in the heat 2 or 3 years ago so I am very careful about it now). So when I woke up, I checked the weather, and sure enough, the humidity was 98%…at 5 am :\ I laid back down and went back to sleep until the cats woke me up to feed them 🙂 Once I was up, I was ready to start the day. But first, coffee, Bible Recap, and some book reading.

After coffee, it was time for breakfast, followed by church work and more laundry. This took most of the rest of the day, and then it was time for a shower, supper, TV time, some blogging, and then bedtime.

Sunday was like most – Starbucks, Sunday School, great worship and Word, and then home to relax and to prepare for the week, and thanking the Lord it is a short holiday week!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!