It was a pretty good weekend. We’re still adjusting to a huge routine change, but it is working out.
Friday Night
After work, I finished finalizing our trip details. This stretched out for most of the evening but I got it all done! At some point, I did stop to shower, feed the cats, eat supper, and watch some Vera. At bedtime, I sat in bed and worked on some VBS prep and a blog post or two.

I slept until the cats woke me up LOL. After I fed them, and went across the street and fed my grandmother’s cat, I was able to sit with a cup of coffee, Bible Recap, and Blue 🙂

Then it was time for breakfast and more Vera. I continued working on laundry, did church work, ate lunch, did some blog work, did some vacation trip research, and then it was time for a shower and supper.
Like every Sunday, we stopped at Starbucks on the way to church 🙂 My mom and I did drive separately because I have the “Lunch with the Pastors” after church. This was our “Next Steps” Sunday so after getting to church and eating my breakfast, I had to get the booklets distributed to the classrooms for each of the 3 Next Step classes. I got that finished with time to spare 🙂
Sunday School & Next Step classes were great, worship was phenomenal, and the Word was THE BEST! After church, I went to the “Lunch with the Pastors” lunch where we had 4 “complete” the Next Steps…and lunch was delicious!
When I got home from that, I was exhausted so I didn’t do much else, other than feed the cats, love on cats, watch TV, and eat supper. Then it was off to bed!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Another great weekend!
Thank you!