It was a pretty good weekend.
I worked from home Friday like I usually do. It is my favorite because it allows me the chance to go pick up lunch that’s not the only reason it’s my favorite;). A local cafe has Fish Friday so I go and pick up lunch for my mom and me.

Now that it is home-grown vegetable season, working from home allows me the opportunity to buy said home-grown vegetables. They just taste better!

Once the work day was over, I continued doing laundry, showered, ate supper…

…watched My Life is Murder, read, and then went to sleep.
I was up early for another Saturday morning run before it got too hot. It was 71 degrees but the humidity was 98%….not a fan of it! I did get in 2.5 miles through downtown.

I watered the plants when I got back home, wiped the sweat off, started the load of sheets, and sat down with Bible Recap, my book, and a cup of coffee.

After finishing my coffee, I ate breakfast, watched some TV, and then got started on a few things on my to-do list. Some of that to-do list included relaxing and eating a tomato sandwich for lunch…

…more work, more relaxing…
…showering, eating supper…

…and finally bedtime.
Sunday morning was pretty much like most, except that I did have an 8 am budget/board meeting, so we had to leave the house a little earlier than usual. We did still make that stop at Starbucks 😉
Sunday School, worship, and the Word were all amazing! We made a stop at Kroger on the way home and then ate a quick bite before heading out with a couple of friends to make a return at Lululemon (not for me LOL) and then a nice dinner at Stoney River Steakhouse and Grill (if you have one close, go check it out). I wish I had gotten a picture of the actual food. It was delicious!

I was back home around 7:30, got ready for bed, and mentally prepared for the work week.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!