It was a pretty good weekend. It was busy and productive, but still a good one!
Friday Night
After getting off work and showering, I went to the church to continue helping with Vacation Bible School prep. (We had started on it the night before). It was a late night.I got home around 10, fed my grandmother’s cat (don’t worry – ours were already fed), and then crashed.
I had planned to get up and run but after getting in so late, I needed sleep. So, I slept until my body was ready to get up. The cats had already been fed, but Blue heard me stirring so she meowed to get in my room. She lay in my lap while I tried to get myself together 🙂

It was an unusually nice Saturday for June in the South so we could eat breakfast on the deck (and lunch later in the day).

Work was still going on at the church for VBS but the work I needed to do was all graphics and paperwork so I worked on VBS stuff at home. If I had gone to the church, I would have been distracted and helping with decorations and the computer work wouldn’t have gotten finished until late.

I worked on church & VBS work all day, with short breaks to swap out laundry. With work finished, it was time to feed cats, take showers, eat supper and watch some TV.

Sunday was a long, full day. The morning was the same as most, but some of us stayed after church to finish VBS decorations. Our stage is always finished and ready the Sunday before VBS starts so it brings a little bit of excitement 🙂

It wasn’t as long of a night as Friday but it was late enough. I had a few more things to do when I got home from church so I ate supper and worked, before heading to bed.

Now, hang on because it’s VBS Week!!! Happy Monday!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Sounds like a relaxing weekend!