It was a pretty good weekend.
Friday Night
It was a pretty relaxing night. I finished swapping out my shades. (I had started on it Thursday night)

I did start some laundry but the rest of the time was spent visiting with my grandmother, eating supper & watching Vera…

working on Vacation Bible School prep, and reading, and then it was bedtime!

I did not plan to get up early because I had no run planned, and I was excited about it. I did sleep later than normal, but there isn’t a such thing as sleeping late when you have pets (or children, so I’m told). Blue woke me up so I got up and fed the cats 🙂 I emptied the dishwasher, went back to my room, and considered laying back down. Then, my grandmother called and needed help from my mom and me (don’t worry…she’s fine).
Back home, I had a chance to sit, with a cup of coffee, and read the Bible Recap and some of my book.

Coffee and reading were followed by breakfast and Vera. The rest of the day was spent doing laundry, working on church work, visiting with my grandmother, eating supper, watching Vera, finishing laundry, typing blog posts, reading, and finally bedtime!
I went to church by myself because my mom needed to stay close to my grandmother in case you needed help (she was weak today. We suspect it is her adjusting to a dosage increase, and probably still sore from her fall on Saturday). But, like always, I did stop at Starbucks on my way. Since my mom wasn’t there, I had graphics computer duty (along with my administrator duties lol). No stress at all HAHA! Worship was awesome, the message was great, and then I headed home (with a stop at Wendy’s on the way).
The rest of the afternoon/evening was spent folding laundry, visiting with my grandmother, watching Vera, eating supper, scheduling blog posts, and then it was time for bed!

update to some of Saturday’s “activities”: My grandmother is now in the hospital but it isn’t from Saturday’s fall:(

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

I’ve never watched Vera but I do love British programming. Will have to check that one out. I hope your grandmother is doing better. She’s fortunate to have family to help with her care. Have a nice day!
Cozy little weekend!
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