It was a busy, busy weekend! I don’t have many pictures (that I can share) but it was a full weekend.
Friday Night
Friday night was the first night of Recovery Revival. Recovery Revival is a weekend once a year where recovery is celebrated, and there is also a networking day for people interested in starting or working with recovery to network with resources in the area. The first night, we had a great message from a man who was once a drug addict but has now been clean for many years (I don’t remember the exact number of years). He now runs a successful rehab that is fairly local to our church. There was some awesome singing by our praise team, several amazing testimonies, and then his great message.
After church, our hospitality team served delicious food (I wish I had gotten pictures of it all) and we all enjoyed the fellowship! I got home around 10:15 pm. That was late for me, so I went straight to bed!
Saturday morning, I was up early enough to get my sheets changed on my bed, feed the cats, did a few things at my grandmother’s house, and then I headed back to the church (with a stop at Starbucks of course!) for the Recovery Networking Conference. From 9 am until 10:30 am, there were 27 tables set up with local resources within the recovery community. I am happy to say that this number has grown every year. Breakfast was also served during this networking, thanks to our Hospitality team!
At 10:30 am, we broke away and had the panel discussion. We had local law enforcement, a few former addicts who now run successful rehabs and recovery programs, and a local district attorney. The questions and answers were very informative. At times, some of the answers had me in tears, some happy, some sad. Drugs are a sad thing; recovery is a great thing!
The panel discussion ended around 12:15 and then lunch was served (yes, we ate well this weekend!). I left around 1:15-1:30 and was home by 2. I took a shower and then got some church work done.

I went to my grandmother’s to do a few things, came back, and changed for church again. I headed to church, with a stop at Starbucks again.

Worship, testimonies, message…it was all amazing! Afterward, we ate again 🙂 The food and fellowship was great…and I got home at 11 pm this time HA! I went straight to bed!
Up and at ’em early, like always! Fed the cats, went to my grandmother’s, got dressed, stopped at Starbucks, and then on to church! Sunday School was great, praise and worship was awesome, and the message was as great as the previous two nights!
After church, we stopped at Belks and Maurices to try and find some tops for my grandmother, and then headed home. We ate lunch, and in the meantime, my mom assembled this Low Carb Roasted Veggie “Pizza”.

With lunch eaten and supper assembled and cooking, we still had a little time to get a few things done before heading to my grandmother’s to do a few things at her house, and to visit with her. After that, we came back home, ate supper while watching some TV, and then I was off to bed! (I had actually fallen asleep watching TV) I was exhausted from the busy weekend/late nights so I went straight to bed and was sound asleep very quickly HA!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!