It was a busy weekend!
Friday Night
Friday night was just relaxing. Seriously. I intended on doing laundry but I didn’t even go in the laundry room. I wasn’t even upset about it either LOL

Saturday morning, I was up at 5:15. I fed the cats, went to my grandmother’s to do a few things for her, changed into my running clothes, and headed out to a local state park for a 10K-ish trail run. Before the run even started, it was thundering and windy…and cold (cold for April and especially after 2 or 3 days of 70+-degree days). But by the time the run started, the thundering had stopped, and at times, the sun was shining.
After I got back home, I worked on laundry, and church work, showered, went to my grandmother’s, ate supper, read, and went to bed.
Sunday morning brought no extra meetings at church, just great Sunday school and awesome worship. After church, we came home, ate lunch, and had a little bit of time to relax.

I had not planned to go anywhere, but my friend was going to watch two of our teenage girls from church sing at “Field of Faith”. She asked me if I wanted to go with her. Because I’m nice HA!, I said I’d go. So, after a little bit of time to eat lunch and relax, I got dressed and headed to meet her before going to the local high school where “Field of Faith” was taking place.
We stayed for most of it, but we did leave a little bit early. We went to Huddle House to eat, and then we each headed our separate ways home. Once I got home, my mom and I had to go outside and cover the flowers that we just planted because we were under a frost advisory :/.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!