It was a busy weekend!
Friday Night
Remember the ten bags of mulch we bought last weekend? Well, we put out 8 of those bags this past Friday afternoon. The bed isn’t finished yet but it is a nice start!

After that, we went to my gramdmother’s house to do a few things for her, and to visit, and then we got showers, ate supper, watch some TV, and went to bed.
Saturday morning was what I called “security day” at church. We met at 8, ate breakfast and had a brief meeting, did a little bit of work (replaced a security camera and installed an additional one), did some shooting (we have to stay qualified!), and then we ate lunch, which consisted of hamburgers/cheeseburgers & hot dogs from the grill.
Once we finished at the church, my mom and I went to Lowe’s. We picked up more flowers and more mulch 🙂

We came home and planted the flowers, went to my grandmother’s, and then came home to get showers and eat supper. I did do some church work after supper. It was a rather productive day!
Sunday morning was a normal Next Steps Sunday 🙂 Of course, I had my Starbucks on the way to church. Like always, Sunday School was great, worship and the Word was amazing!

Those that have finished the 3 Next Steps classes are invited to eat lunch with the Pastor. That was also this past Sunday so I went to that immediately after church. A youth service was also scheduled for 5:30 that night, so after a brief time at home to relax, I headed back to the church. After service, I went to eat dinner with friends (the ones I’m usually traveling with). Then, I was back home before 9, and it was time for reading and bed!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

That peachy Starbucks drink looks amazing! What is it?
It’s actually not from Starbucks (that would be more convenient if it was HA!). It is a loaded tea. If you’re unfamiliar with loaded teas, they are low in calorie, zero sugar (uses sucralose), high in energy, protein and other things.
The flavor in this one, I think, is peach, mango, and something else…maybe pineapple?