It was a busy but fun weekend! Oh, and Happy Easter Monday!
Friday Night
Good Friday night was spent at the church, finishing the prep and decorating for the Community Egg Hunt the next morning.
Every Easter, our church does an egg hunt for the community so this past Saturday was it! So, I was up and out the door early, with a stop at Starbucks on the way. We finished up the prep, moved everything outside, and were ready for the kids!
We had jumpies, food, games, face painting, prizes, new this year, a petting zoo, and of course, an egg hunt! We had almost 3500 eggs, around 200 kids, and with parents, grandparents, etc., probably 500-600 total (…and I don’t think that includes the workers lol). We all had so much fun and the weather was perfect! I think some of us “big kids” enjoyed the petting zoo as much or more than the children HA! I know there were at least 3 or 4 adults that let out a high-pitched “AWWWWW!!” when the animals came out 🙂
The egg hunt was over around noon, but the praise team had practice for Sunday. Once that was over, we had just enough time to get home and do a few things before our mani/pedi appointment. After that, I showered, ate supper, read, and went to bed.
It was Easter Sunday!! The morning routine was the same as most Sundays but obviously, the songs and other activities were a little different. We did have a short skit with the children, and a few more songs than usual. We also had a record attendance! It was a great Easter Sunday!

After church, we headed home. It was a long busy weekend so we enjoyed the rest of the Sunday afternoon and night.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

The little peep cupcake! Super cute!
Yes it was! I almost didn’t want to eat it LOL