It was a busy weekend! Taxes got filed and we had revival services. Those two things could sum it up, but I will share more than that.
Friday Night
Nothing exciting to report here – laundry and relaxing.
Saturday morning, I got up and ran 2.5 miles. After that, I had coffee and breakfast, while watching True Detectives.

After that, it was time to file my taxes. This took a little while, but once it was complete, I had a little bit of time to work on some church work. I had more than usual this time, but I was able to get a lot of it done before I needed to take a shower. I needed to be at the church at 5:30 because the praise team practiced before the revival service.
I stopped at Chick-fil-A on the way to church, got to the church for practice, and then we had AWESOME church! It was around 10 when I got back home and I still had a few things I needed to finish before morning, so I stayed up and finished that.

Sunday morning was another revival service but was also a Pastoral Installation. Our former pastor, now our Bishop, retired at the end of 2023 so our now Senior Pastor has been in that position since the first of the year, but thanks to winter weather, we couldn’t have church the first time we planned installation, so we finally were able to get it done this past Sunday. We had our monthly Next Step classes during Sunday School, followed by Pastoral Installation, anointed worship, and a wonderful message from the visiting preacher.

(again, not me…I forgot…but this is the dress I wore)
After church, we grabbed food on the way home, watched a little TV while eating, visited with my grandmother, and then it was time for me to go back to the church for the last revival service. It was another amazing service! After church, I went out to eat with some friends before heading home and going to bed! It was a busy 2 days, and I was tired!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!