It was a low-key, yet productive weekend! That means, there probably won’t be much to this post but it’s how the weekend was 🙂
I was up early to run. It was a nice cool morning, but perfect for running 6 miles.

Once I got back home, it was time for coffee and Bible Recap. I love Saturday mornings when I have time to sit, drink coffee, read, and cuddle with cats.

After breakfast, I got to work on my church work. I had quite a bit to do but I was able to get it done. That (and laundry) took most of the day, and then it was time for a shower, time with my grandmother, and then supper. That was followed by watching some TikTok, reading, and finally bedtime.
Sunday was mostly the same as most, except that I had an 8am board meeting. So, I was up earlier and out the door earlier. I was a few minutes late though, because Starbucks only had two employees that came in. They had the inside closed. It was only drive-thru :/ But with coffee and egg bites in hand, I made it to the board meeting before they actually got started LOL. I felt like I was running crazy and didn’t know if I was going or coming for most of the morning but I did finally get a chance to breathe, and was able to enjoy praise and worship 🙂 The message from our Bishop was great too!
After church, we stopped at Cracker Barrel for lunch. This is worth mentioning because it was delicious: they had something new on the menu…Golden Carolina BBQ Chicken Tenders. Now, if they are referring to South Carolina BBQ sauce, this isn’t it but it was still delicious!

After lunch, it was back home to relax, watch TV, visit with my grandmother, eat supper (leftovers) and watch more TV, and then off to read and bed!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!