It was a busy, yet productive weekend!
Saturday morning, I got up, did a few chores, and headed out to a local “Pot O’ Gold 5K”, raising money for a great cause.

Once I got back home, I drank my coffee, got laundry started, and worked on church work. This kept me busy until it was time for a shower, visiting my grandmother, and then supper. side note: While visiting my grandmother the last two weekends, we all got into golf. Who are we?! HA!
After supper, it was time for reading, and bed!
Sunday morning was normal, as far as no special classes or meetings before church. Sunday School, worship, and word were all great! There was a lot of green that day, since it was St. Patrick’s Day. I even had something green I could wear 🙂

After church, we stopped for lunch, and then went home to eat and relax. I did have a Ladies Committee meeting at the church at 6 so I left around 5:15 and headed that way. It doesn’t take that long to get to the church. I stopped at Starbucks on the way😉 The meeting lasted about 2 hours, and then a couple of friends and I (one was at the same meeting) went to a local restaurant to eat. I was back home by a little after 9 and was in bed around 10.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!