Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I hope you’re wearing green HA!
Back to the task at hand…it’s Monday – time for a weekend update! It was a rainy, but productive weekend. Lots of things got done inside.
Friday afternoon, the weather was NICE! I knew stormy weather was coming in that night, so anything I wanted to get done outside needed to be done on Friday. So, I got the wheelbarrow wheel changed out, and pulled weeds out of one of the flower beds.

After about an hour or so, I was back inside and ready to relax.

Saturday morning, storms were in the forecast, but I still set my alarm, just in case it was clear. When it went off at 6, it was not raining or storming, but I looked at the radar and knew that by the time I fed the cats and dressed, I would get soaked, risking the lightning. So, I went back to sleep.
I only slept thirty more minutes (because the cats were hungry and letting me know about it), but it was the best extra thirty minutes 🙂 Once I got up, I stripped the bed, put on clean sheets, and started laundry. With that done, I sat down to read my daily scriptures for the Bible Recap.

This was followed by breakfast and an episode of Elementary before I got started on church work.

Since I knew it would be stormy all day, I planned to get a lot of church work done. Some were needed right away, and some were in preparation for Vacation Bible School. I was able to get most everything checked off of my to-do list for the day so I count that as a very productive Saturday!
The day ended with a shower, supper, TV time, some blog planning, and reading.
Sunday morning was a typical Sunday – Starbucks on the way to church, a great time in Sunday School, amazing worship, and a great word from a visiting preacher.
Once church was over, my mom, friend, and I went to eat at a local Southern food buffet. We ran a few errands and then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at home, relaxing and preparing for the week ahead.

Happy Monday!

Oh Spring is coming!! Love seeing your flowers 🙂