It was a nice, relaxing weekend! Apparently, it was so relaxing that I only took one picture.
Friday Night
I started laundry, made a quick run to pick up a prescription, and also picked up food for my grandmother, my mom, and me. I should have taken a picture of my food because it was so good, but take my word for it! HA
We ate supper, watched True Detectives, and then I went to bed to read, and eventually sleep.
I got up early (for a Saturday), fed the cats, and headed out for a run. It was a nice cool morning, just how I like it when running!
When I got back, we did a few chores, and then it was time for breakfast. We watched a couple of episodes of True Detectives and then I got to work on church work. It was a nice day outside so until someone in the neighborhood started burning, we had the windows opened and enjoyed that for a little while. The sun was shining for most of the morning and some of the afternoon, so even though we had to close the windows, it was still nice to enjoy the sun shining in the windows.
That evening, I got my shower, finished laundry, ate supper (leftovers from Friday night), and then went to bed to read.
This was the Sunday for our Next Step classes & “Welcome to the Church” luncheon so I needed to be at the church early to get chairs set up in the classrooms and to get the Next Step booklets distributed. But, before I ever left the house, I had two separate requests to get Starbucks for friends (they’ve learned that I’m going to stop every time, on the way to church) so on the way, I stopped to get mine, and theirs 🙂 When I got to church, I started printing extra booklets and setting out chairs but stopped for a little bit to eat my breakfast. I was able to get everything set up and ready when time to spare before classes started! We had a good number in the classes, great Sunday School, awesome AWESOME worship, amazing Word brought by our Senior Pastor, followed by more awesome worship.

When church was over, we had our “Welcome to the Church” luncheon so those who were attending headed to the restaurant. It is a good, Southern-cooking restaurant and they are always good about letting us do this when we need to. Once we finished there, I headed home for the rest of the day. It was raining, and I was ready to relax!
I did have a load of laundry that I needed to finish so I did that, visited my grandmother, ate supper, watched True Detectives, read, and then went to sleep!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Sounds like a relaxing weekend!
It was! Maybe too much HA!