It was the weekend after Christmas and before New Years, and at this point, I don’t even know what day it is anymore! But, I think today is Monday, so it’s time for a weekend update. It was a very chill weekend.
Friday consisted of a lot of relaxing, picking up my vehicle from the mechanic, getting groceries, and more relaxing.

I got up early, fed the cats, got on my running gear, and headed out the door to run. It was time to get my butt back in gear.

After 2.5 miles, it was time for reading, which was then followed by breakfast and Shetland. After an episode or two, I got up to start laundry and work on church work. I worked on that until it was time for a shower.
After a shower, I continued laundry, ate supper, watched more Shetland, and finished laundry. I finished church work, did a bit of blogging, read some, and then went to bed.

Sunday morning was an early one. I had a meeting at 8 so we left the house earlier, stopped at Starbucks, and actually made it to the church about 7:35. That did give me time to get a few things done before the meeting. Sunday School, worship and the Word was great, as always.

We stopped at Subway for lunch on the way home, and then spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching Shetland and Elementary.

Happy Monday!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!