It was another fun and festive weekend!
Friday night, two ladies from church and I went shopping for 41 kids. Our church has been buying Christmas for children that are less fortunate (like Angel Tree, if you know what that is). The shopping is a lot of work, but also so SO rewarding. We are so thankful to be able to provide Christmas for these kids.

Three hours later, we were finished. I headed home, got my running gear ready for the next morning, and went to bed.
I was up early to feed the cats, get dressed, and then headed out for the Reindeer Run 5K. It is a fun little run, but it is for a very serious cause (prevention of child abuse). A friend and I have been doing this together for the past 2 or 3 years, and this year, we stepped up our outfit a little bit. Yes, it is a Rudolph onesie, and yes it did get a little warm before we finished. But aren’t we cute?! HAHA

Once the run was over, I headed back home and that is where I stayed the rest of the day and night. It was nice to be able to get laundry done, some church work and blog work done.

By late afternoon, it was time for a shower, supper, and TV (and cat cuddling) time.

Sunday morning was like most, with no Next Step classes. We did have Sunday School and it was great as always. That was followed by awesome worship and a great message by our Bishop. The kids did go to children’s church again to practice their Christmas songs.
After church, my mom and I ordered food to go through the Cracker Barrel app. Not really complaining because they were working as fast as they could, and were covered up, but I was still standing there 40 minutes after my food was supposed to be picked up. Thankfully, I did get the food before I gave up and asked for my money to be refunded. We ate lunch while watching Elementary, and then I started getting dressed to go to my friend’s work Christmas party (her second job is at CFA). Her brother usually goes with her but he had to work so I was glad to be invited.
We had good food, played games, and just had a fun time.

We were home before too late (for us, that’s 9 pm HAHA). I got a bit of blogging done, and then headed to bed.
Happy Monday!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!