It was a great weekend!
Like most Fridays, I worked on laundry. We also looked at paint chips to try and match the roof color at what was my grandmother’s house. If we know the roof color (or as close as possible), we can then use that paint chip to coordinate exterior colors without having to climb a ladder HA!

I did manage to get some of my church stuff done. I knew I would have a pretty full day Saturday so I wanted to get the biggest part done before Saturday. The rest of the night was spent relaxing, doing a little bit of blogging, and then sleeping.

Saturday morning at seven, we had a meeting at the church. We were there for about an hour and a half, and then we headed home to get things done.
I was able to get almost everything I needed to get done but I had made plans to go to our local Symphony’s first concert of the season, so I showered early and then did a little more work before getting dressed and picking up my friend. We ate at a restaurant across from the Coliseum and then walked across the road to the concert.

I got home at about 9:30 and was ready for bed!
Sunday morning was the usual – great Sunday School, awesome worship, and an amazing Word.

After church, we stopped at Wendy’s to pick up lunch and headed home to eat and relax for the rest of the day.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Love your church outfit!
Thank you!