It was a very busy, but good weekend!
Friday afternoon was full! When we got off work, I had to go west to pick up medicine, come back home to put it in the fridge (because I forgot to take ice to keep it on), then head east to the church to pick up shirts and get tables for the 5K run the next morning.
With all the errands run, we finally got back home around 5:30 or 6 and could finally eat supper. After supper, we still had several things that needed to be done before morning, so we got to work. I finally went to sleep around 9:30-10…so only be up at…
…4:30am. The run started at 8:30, registration from 7-8, so that meant I needed to be there earlier than that. Plus, I had to have stop at Starbucks, because….coffee.
The run was successful, and we raised a record amount in sponsorships this year. I love being able to do this, but I’m also relieved when it is over.

After the run, and dropping tables and other things back at the church, I headed home to get a few things done before heading to eat for my friend’s birthday. We had reservations at a great Italian restaurant about an hour and a half away.

The food is made fresh so it did take a while (plus there were two other large parties besides us). Most of us had been up since really early (they were at the same 5K) so we were all exhausted by the time we left, but we did still have fun and enjoyed the fellowship and food!
I got home at about 9, and got in bed as quickly as possible. I don’t even remember falling asleep that night LOL
Sunday was Pink Out Sunday and Fall Festival, so I headed out the door with my laptop bag and a tote of stuff (I wasn’t planning on going back home between church and the fall festival so I brought everything I needed) LOL. Of course, I stopped at Starbucks on the way.

Sunday School was great, worship was awesome and the Word brought by our Pastor was ah-mazing!
After church, several of us stayed to get everything decorated and ready for the Fall Festival. We had enough people that we had it all together and had time left to just breathe before the kids and families started showing up. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures of the night, except of the “swamp water” punch. It was a fun night of games, food, fellowship, and ended with a hayride!

I got home around 8, finished a couple of blog posts, and went right to sleep.
Happy Monday!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!