It was a pretty good weekend. It was a busy weekend as well.
Friday afternoon started with a delicious cheeseburger from a local restaurant. Just looking at this picture makes me want another one now!

I finished out my work day (sort of), ran a few errands, and then came back home and worked some more (“the sky is falling” currently at work). I stopped, ate supper, and worked a little longer, and then went to bed. Saturday was going to start early.
I was up at 5am, not bright-eyed and bushy-tailed though! HA! It was 25K day! I didn’t run the whole thing (I’m not stealthy – I will trip and fall) but it was still my fastest! I was feeling pretty good through the entire thing. They always have a local Mexican restaurant come and make burritos, which are always good!
With a successful trail run over, a full stomach, and my beat stick and tower medallions in hand, I headed back home. I was still feeling good, but not long after I got home, fatigue hit. It was probably the combination of the effort I had just put forth in the woods, and the lack of coffee, but when the fatigue hit, it hit fast! I powered through my shower, and then made and drank a cup of coffee. It helped some, but I was still tired. I managed to get a few things done, ate supper, and went to bed around 7. That’s really early for me!
Sunday was our church anniversary service. We didn’t really change anything up – Sunday School was still the same, and great as always (we did adopt Bible Buddies in the younger classes), and worship was phenomenal. We did have a guest speaker and he was awesome!
We stopped for food on the way home, had a little time at home, and then went back to church for a night service with the same speaker. It was a great day, and somehow I still didn’t get any pictures.
Happy Monday!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!