It was a busy, great first weekend of 2024!
Friday Night
Friday afternoon, a friend and I headed 3 hours south to spend the night and run a 12.5K trail run the next morning. We snacked on the way (it’s like a vacation), stopped for supper, then headed to the hotel. We were exhausted! (we did both work that day before heading out). We didn’t get to have too much fun a night on our “spinnanight” trip but we did enjoy sleeping HAHA
We were up at 5:45, dressed, grabbed a small bite to eat, and headed to the park. We were cold but we were ready!

We headed out on our 12.5K. It was a great morning for a trail run. We love it!

We enjoyed it so much (and I think it was seriously my easiest trail run) that we are already talking about doing the 25K next year! I can’t wait!

Thankfully we had a late check-out so we headed back to the hotel to get the mud off of our legs and feet and to change into “everyday” clothes.

We packed up and headed home, but not before first stopping downtown for lunch.

We were back home before 4 so I had time to take a shower, eat supper, get some church work done, change the sheets on my bed, and finally get in the bed.
Sunday morning was pretty much the same, except we were up, dressed, and out the door 30-45 minutes earlier than usual because I had a meeting. We did stop at Starbucks on the way. Meeting over, Sunday school finished, and it was time for praise and worship. It was phenomenal! While the praise team sang one of their songs, some of our congregation participated in cardboard testimonies. If you don’t know what that is, it is where people write down where they came from (sickness, addiction, etc.) on one side, and then where God brought them to (miracle, healing, clean & sober, etc.) on the other side. All I can say is, wow! If you’ve never seen something like this before, search for them on YouTube. I know there are others out there, but you might just find our church too. After that, our pastor preached an awesome message.
When church was over, my mom and I went to our new local Mexican restaurant for lunch, before heading home for a few hours, before going back to church.

I did not get an OOTD picture this time. I know you are disappointed HA! After lunch, we changed into PJs, watched some TV, did a little bit of relaxing got dressed again, and headed to church. This was a special service (we don’t normally have Sunday night services). We did not have a message but just singing, praying, and worshipping. The presence of God was so thick. It was so amazing to see lives being changed.
Have a good week!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Great job on another successful run!
Thank you!