It was the first weekend of 2025 and was a very chill weekend.
Friday was spent doing some laundry and just enjoying being at home. I did a little bit of church work because some of it was something I needed for the meeting the next morning, and some of it was to save me work on Saturday.
I was up early to change the sheets on my bed, feed the cats, get dressed, and make a Starbucks run on the way to the meeting, which started at 7. In addition to my coffee and my mom’s coffee, we picked up 4 other drinks for some who attended the meeting but live in the opposite direction from Starbucks. The quarterly meeting was for leadership and was great, especially for the first one of the year.
It lasted about 2 hours, and then we were on our way back home. The rest of the day was spent with more coffee, reading, cat cuddles, Elementary watching, church work, and finishing laundry. It was just the way I like it, even if I was up early and it wasn’t for running hehe 🙂

With laundry finished and things accomplished, it was soon time for showers, supper, and more Elementary before bedtime.
Sunday morning was our first Sunday of 2025, and was our “vision casting” Sunday. We were all ready and fired up and ready for everything in 2025. (In case you are wondering, I did get Starbucks on the way to church. I didn’t want anyone to think that had changed HAHA). Sunday School was great, worship was greater than great, our Children had Children’s Church, while our pastor preached an awesome message.
We stopped to pick up lunch on the way home, and then watched the latest episode of Shetland and an episode of Elementary while we ate. Around 3:30-4, I got dressed and headed to the church for our Care Group Christmas (December was busy so we planned it for the first part of January). We ate, played games, fellowshipped, and had fun.
I was home around 7:30 so I still had time to relax before going to bed.
Happy Monday!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Happy New Year! 🙂