It was a rainy, but good weekend!
Friday Night
It was an uneventful night. I worked on laundry and Care Group lists for church. We had a meeting the next morning so I needed to get it finished before then. I did manage to get in some TV time while eating supper and then read some before going to sleep.
I was up at 4:30 so I could get a run in before my meeting. The meeting was at 7 so I needed plenty of time to feed the cats, run, get cleaned up, and still have time to stop at Starbucks on the way. Now, it was raining, and I knew it was going to rain when I planned to run, but I didn’t care. When you want to run, and the gym doesn’t open until 7, and you don’t want to wait until after the meeting, you get up at 4:30 AM and run in the rain.

I stopped at Starbucks on the way. (of course I did!) The meeting lasted about two hours, and I headed back home. On the way, I needed to make a few stops. I dropped a package to be shipped, stopped and picked up prescriptions, picked up my Valentine sweatshirt from one of the boutiques downtown, and then the ATM before finally getting back home. I was glad to be back home. I was tired HA!

I still had a few things to do for church but not as much as usual. So I finished that and finished laundry. Not long after I got my shower, a friend texted that they were going to eat at 5:30 so I decided to join them. It is a local fish/seafood place and it was delicious, as always!
I got back home, worked on the blog some, read, and then went to sleep. Such a thrilling Saturday night LOL
This was a “normal” Sunday, meaning there were no meetings before or after church, and no Next Step classes. Of course, Starbucks is always part of the routine, as is Sunday School, and wonderful worship and the Word.
That was followed by lunch at the “new” Mexican restaurant in town, and then home to relax and prepare for the week ahead!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!