It was a cold, and icy, but still productive weekend!
So, as I said, it was icy. This all started last Sunday, late afternoon/early evening. We had snow predicted, but in true Southern fashion, we had ice first. We did still get the snow (9 inches of it!) but that was on top of the ice. So, roads became slick fast. Since we barely have winter sometimes, much less ice and snow, our state doesn’t have enough of the proper essentials to keep the roads clear. I do understand it; we don’t get anything like this enough to have the equipment. I do have to give them credit though. They did everything they could with what they had. All week long, the temperatures never got above freezing except maybe one day, and it wasn’t enough to melt the ice. A few days, the sun came out and helped to melt some of the ice but then the cold temperatures would cause it to refreeze, so we were stuck at home. However, by Friday, our main roads in town (or at least the two I needed to get to Kroger) were clear so we made a trip to Kroger…which is where the weekend starts 🙂
Friday Night
After getting groceries, we were home for the rest of the night. We did have a few things to do at my grandmother’s house so we carefully walked across the icy road to her house. When we finished there, we came back to the house, and ate supper while watching Reacher, before getting on a Google Meet call at 7 pm discussing church Sunday. Several people in leadership met to discuss church. We normally have Sunday morning service at 10 am but we knew that some of the roads would still be icy and that the sun wouldn’t have long enough to melt what was there before then (thankfully Sunday was going to be above freezing!!).
This was the view during that call. They were trying to get our attention LOL.

With the meeting over and the decision made to have church at 1pm, I was off to bed to work on blog posts, and then read.
Normally I would have been up early to run but, remember, icy roads…so I enjoyed sleeping in (and not risking slipping and falling and being injured). It was nice to sleep in 🙂 Once I got up, I changed the sheets on the bed, and made my coffee. I sat down with my coffee and read the Bible Recap scriptures. Once that was done, I read a little bit of one of the books I’m reading this month.

The rest of the day was relaxing, working on Care Group lists for church, more coffee, more relaxing, and some more church work.

After all of that working all day and relaxing all day, it was time for a shower, supper, Reacher, more relaxing, and then bed.
Since we were having church later, I didn’t have to get up as early. I did get up early but not as early. I was able to sit and drink my coffee and do my Bible Recap reading for the day.

I did have time to get in a little more church work (this is something that is taking a little more time than most things) and then it was time to get dressed. We did still stop at Starbucks on the way, and got more coffee, and a pastry 🙂 Thankfully, all of the roads we traveled to the church were clear.
Since we were starting later, we did not have Sunday School but started with praise and worship. I don’t even have to say it…the praise and worship were amazing. The service start time difference didn’t change that! Our pastor’s message was great, as always. We did do something a little bit different, in that we took the children upstairs during preaching-they were still able to get their bible lesson on their level. It all went very well.
Once church was over, we headed home, but stopped, on the way, at Subway for lunch. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and watching Reacher, and just getting ready for a new work week, which appears to be almost back to normal HA!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!